Montag, 28. November 2011

[Leipzig] Jamaican Dance-Workshop

Jamaican Dance-Workshop mit ISIgal (German Dancehall Queen 2008) und Daggabwoy (Spanish Dancer) präsentiert von WATCH MI STEP Dance School.

Workshop Dancehall / Reggae Workshop für Anfänger
Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011
Uhrzeit: 16:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Sportraum, Bootshaus (Elsterwehr 3, Leipzig)
Preis: 10 Euro (Studenten), 20 Euro (normal)
Hochschulsport der Universität Leipzig
Buchung über
Facebook Event

Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

So Rifical - Videoclip by M.O.B. Dancers

If you checked out the last "Step of the Week" called "Rifical  then dont miss the Making Of of the Official Videoclip of this Tune.

Montag, 14. November 2011

[Leipzig] Jamaican Dance-Workshop

Jamaicain Dance-Workshop mit ISIgal (German Dancehall Queen 2008) präsentiert von WATCH MI STEP Dance School 
WANN: Freitag, 18.11.11  ab 19:00 Uhr
WO: Distillery, Leipzig (Kurt-Eisner-Straße)

Anmeldung und weitere Infos

Step(s) of the Week: Oldskool Steps

DING DONG (Dancer) shows the following oldschool steps:

  • flowers a bloom
  • sunlight
  • prayer a day
  • call down the rain
  • hard rain
  • thunda clap
  • lightening
  • higher clap
  • shankle dip

Dienstag, 8. November 2011


Hier findest du nahezu alle Jamaican-Steps die es gibt. Check it out!

Freitag, 4. November 2011


Nice Time Productions has created another Jamaican documentary about Dancehall, called ¨ Hit Me With Music¨
With Yellowman, Mavado, Kartel, Bogle, Elephant Man, Chi chi ching, and more..
more Information: Facebook Hit Me With Music

If you have the chance to watch the whole documentary, than watch it! If not, than you can watch here more trailers and parts of the movie. Youtube Miquel Galofré "Hit me with music"

Dancehall Queen-Style (DHQ-Style): Hot Patty Wine

[Tipp: Lest unter nach was eine Dancehall Queen ist.]

Offical Video: Spice "Hot Patty"

Hot Patty Wine Instructional Video   

with Latonya Style (First Class Dancers), Expose Dancers and Black Out Dancers (Sweden)